Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dream Fragments Part 1

I wanna say how I record my dreams: I've tried several methods. I've tried keeping a pen and a paper by the side of my bed and then taking time in the morning to try and remember them. I've tried telling other people. For example, this winter when I was home I had Maia come into my room before she left for school every morning to wake me up and ask me about my dreams. But she would forget them too by the time she came home. So, since I'm a faster typer than I am at handwriting, and I always fall asleep with my computer in my bed (watching 30 Rock), I just have a running draft in my email that is called "dreams" and it has fragmented bits of whatever I type when I'm half asleep. Whenever I'm lucid enough to open my computer and I remember my dreams I type whatever I can before I fall back asleep.  I think the fragments are sometimes the best, but generally for re-telling it's more intelligible if I complete the sentences and such. But, I don't plan on painting them all, so I thought I'd share a couple fragments (not to be analyzed too deeply please haha).

All in one night I had the dream about the man who said it would all go to hell, the dream about the raining rainbow pepper, and two others. They all took place in a setting kind of inspired by all the Downton Abby I was watching at the time, but it was generally much dirtier and involving the street market. All four are in my drafts, but here are the two fragments (unedited) that I haven't painted: 

"I was a servant in an english home and I was leaving to go on a trip and I barged into a room after no one answered my knocks, even though i knew someone was in there, because I'd forgotten my birth control and pocket book. I got in huge trouble with the snooty woman, who was having sex with her husband whom she hated. Then I talked back and she shouted for help and I yanked a lump of skin between the husband's legs and he helped in pain and then we joke about how weird and lumpy he was, but then she told me to run or i'd get sacked. I was running around the house trying to avoid the mom, and then she caught me and walked me around the house and garden, making me tell her how beautiful it was. Then I climbed out the window and as I was walking down the street I decided i really wanted to drive, but i had no car. I ran into a friendly woman who asked me if i would like to come for dinner. i said yes. I saw a fat baby by the side of the road and went to play with it, then i thought it was giving me flees. I wanted to take it with us, b/c who leaves a baby by the side of the road, but the parents came back right as we were leaving."


"bad talking other butler and little sister the size of a baby and we were overheard"

I have more fragments I'll post later... lots of them are quite funny, also embarrassing  but I think these ones are interesting because that night was so fruitful with dreams, but also there was a certain consistency to them.

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