Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Anniversary and Goals

Above is a picture of William.... who I miss very much because I have barely seen him.

So, as the title suggests, I have a lot to cover.

Fig1: Old barn in Mazama

The Anniversary
 I'm referring to the one year anniversary of my blog.  Technically it's not until the 31st of January.... but like every other cycle in my life, it's coming early-- mainly because I just think it's so exciting and I want to talk about it RIGHT NOW.

Fig2: Kelsey licking snow

Some fun facts about the blog:
1) No one knew about it for the first month or two of it's existence. I didn't tell a single person I had made one. Then I told William and Rebecca and not only did my views shoot up, but shortly after I had two awesome blogs* to visit daily.
2) Over half of my blog's life was spent at a different url. I was able to move the posts- though I weeded some out in the shift (ex: stalker post.)
3) My intention in making a blog was to post only about food and music. And to become internet famous. One year later, I have no such aspirations nor do I feel bad about failing to be both consistent in my posting content or famous.
4) I've gotten in trouble for copyright infringement only once for uploading songs onto the blog for easy listening and downloading..... the song was "Climbing Up Iknimaya"- the soundtrack from Avatar.
5) This blog has been visited by people around the world! Which seems ridiculous to me because it's not an exiting blog at all- not even to people who know me directly. Which suggests that all of the visits from Malaysia, Slovenia, France, U.K., Russia, Denmark, etc. are all by chance/ mistakes. Canada is a close second to the US in viewers- which suggests some sort of trend, but I don't know what to make of it.
6) The name of this blog came from a conversation with Rebecca. I don't remember what we were talking about exactly- believe it or not I can't think of a specific freckle that we might have been talking about on my body.... my guess is we were eating a big sandwich at the time**.

Fig.3: A tree in the snow

For the Blog:
1) Talk about food using all my pictures of food. Even if it's boring- food is one of my few, unwavering passions.
2) Use the blog to keep track of my thoughts on halloween costumes. I currently have several in mind.
3) Make a post modeled after The Man Repeller, only using my own clothes- plenty of which I'm sure repel men.... Also, lets be real, I think I can make a way more man-repelling outfit than some of hers- she doesn't go WEIRD enough. Weird is where I thrive***.
4) Use the blog as an outlet for some pictures I just developed that are too fucking indie to go on facebook and I'm ashamed that I took them, even though I like them. I could rant more, but I'll save it for when I actually post them.
5) Post Captain's Logs once a month. I understand that some of these can get a little fucked up/ personal/ confusing due to my use of secret code.... but they kind of fill the journal aspect of the blog, and I always laugh a lot when making them.  The first one especially is confusing and highly coded. I have never updated those missions because so many of them were such failures. The first one especially. Now it could refer to so many coffee servers, but I'm thinking of reviving that mission with the original target.... anyway, that can all go in a captain's log.
6)Tweet about blogging and blog about tweeting.

Fig.4: Matching blue long underwear, courtesy of Kelsey

For me:

1) Floss every day (so far I'm rocking that one!)
2) Add more spinach, bok choy, and cabbage to my daily cooking
3) Cook daily
4) Get to bed before 2am on school nights
5) Don't bring the computer to bed with me****.
6) Don't get smashed/wasted/room-spinning drunk until renn fayre
7) Eat more sandwiches**
8) Spend at least one night a week at home, doing girly things with Rebecca/ anyone who is home.
9) Write more post cards
10) Keep my room clean (THAT MEANS CLEAN IT EVERY DAY!)
11) See Kelsey regularly
12) Take my vitamins

Fig.5: Downtown Seattle durning Christmas

*Sadly these blogs are no longer updated. It is a tragedy I still mourn regularly.
**How I Met Your Mother reference. Sucks for you on so many levels if you don't get it.  To be clear, it has nothing to do with sucking dicks.
***See the pictures on Rebecca's phone for documentation of some of my 'outfits.'
****There are exceptions to that rule.

Fig.6: Another shot of the old barn and the antlers


  1. i love all of these pics, all so good. i love how much your blog is about blogging. i am really into the captain's log/artsy photos/bad fashion/twitter ideas. also, if the sandwich reference is referring to what i think it is, that's crazy--that's the code i used in high school (though maybe everyone else was in on the HIMYM connection).

  2. i do it because blogging is the most exciting thing i have to blog about. i guess the sandwich analogy is just timeless...
