Tuesday, December 27, 2011

At long last.....

So, for those dweebs (i.e. 2/3 of my readership) who think that they're too good for facebook, here's a small sample of what could otherwise be found in a much more expansive album. Here, William, are the Renn Fayre pictures you've begged me for for the last 8 months.... sorry about the delay! Love, you and Merry Belated Christmas!! p.s. loved your Christmas mass email! I showed it to my whole family- it was a hit!

p.p.s (to those who have scrolled this far), is anyone else freaked out about the new facebook layout? It's trying to be blogspot #amiright?


  1. oh my god i never thought this would ever happen THANK YOU this is my first christmas gift

    god they are beautiful / god we are beautiful

    & i'm glad my card was a hit - definitely did that drunk and definitely had some feelings of regret upon sober reflection

  2. i'm sooooo glad you like them. they're on facebook now, so you're that much more famous on top of it all. I worry slightly about me just making this blog into a dialogue with you to compensate for your lack of fb- because that's what i want/tend to do. but then i think, if other people wanted in on the experience, they could comment or even just read it. skype again soon?

  3. I want in on the experience like you wouldn't believe.

    I'm a silent participant in your blog... love you.

    Also, love Rebecca in these pics.

  4. HOLLY! oh my god i just got this and it made my day!!!! I've been missing you and Spencer a ton recently. I hope you can come and visit for renn fayre- I won't know what to do without you!
