Saturday, September 25, 2010

Captain's Log
Crow's Nest of The Giant Peach

Status Report:

General wellbeing of the house-
-Fair... There's quite a bit of stress in general. Perhaps too much drinking.

Happenings on campus-
-Due to awesome weather today, there is quite a bit of activity on the front lawn. Lots of sunbathing. Lots of music. It was good fun
-I met someone I want to be friends with. She seems pretty awesome.
-CRAZY night on Thursday
-Quiet/Loving/Good-Friends-Only/SCARY night on Friday
-Prospective dance party tonight?
-Music listening time on Sunday

Mission Updates:

Recon Mission
Reference Code:"A32920"
Target: My black sports bra
Status: Turns out it was sitting under the dining room table the whole time- COMPLETED

In regards to all other missions- status still pending

New Missions:

Recon Mission
Reference Code:"My Sweatshirt"
Target: My sweatshirt
Description: It has a chicken on the front. It's not originally mine but it has lots of sentimental value. It's from my fri
end's Klezmer Band Camp. It's really Jewish. I love it. It's comfortable. It has a hood. I'm sad.
Status: On campus? No ideas.

Friend-O-Meter Mission
Reference Code: I'm thinking of SOOO many inappropriate ways to reference her/how I know her/how much I wanna be her friend.... but in case anyone ever sees this I'll stick with "Birdie"... because she kinda reminds me of a bird
Goal: See whether we're potential friends.
Chance of Success: Well... I can be pretty fucking charming when I put my mind to it... and I've already laid some pretty heavy bonding-groundwork. So... 7.553?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A pointless rant:
It rains
and it makes me want to cry
I hate the winter
and yet, something fun sits on the horizon:
the holidays
my favorite time of year- except for summer
the two worst times of year are fall and spring
not because they're not beautiful
-let's be real- EVERY season is beautiful in the PNW
but because they are dreary
the onset of rain
onset in fall
the fucking onset of a rainy 10 months
and then all we want is SUN- yet it continues to rain
we didn't even get much of a summer this year
summer of 2010- without fucking SUN
fucking sun
you abandoned us


Captain's Log
Crow's Nest of the Giant Peach

Current Missions:

Recon Mission:
Reference Code:"A32920"
Target: My black sports bra
Last Seen: Last week- in my school bag. On campus.
Possible leads: A puddle on campus? Some dark corner at my work? In a stalker's secret closet full of Simone Wood paraphernalia
Importance of Success: 6.223 (this IS a bit of an embarrassing thing to have lost on campus... not to mention i've just been missing it in dance class)
Chance of Success: -4.2 (it's been a while since last sighting. and it's unlikely that a stalker would give up such a prize possession without coercion)

Social and Emotional Experiment:
Reference Code:"College"
Goal: Make friends and connections that will foster a positive educational and social experience for the rest of my time in school
First step: make some friends- COMPLETED
Second step: make sure that those are friends you love- COMPLETED
Third step: find a stable and positive living environment- COMPLETED
Fourth step: talk to people in your classes
-This has proved EXTREMELY difficult due to social anxiety
-It also doesn't help that i don't participate in class anyway
Fifth step: attend social events
-This is has become an increasingly successful part of the experiment
-At first the environment was foreign, but an excellent display of adaptation has allowed for me to infiltrate gatherings
-Over a year ago, when the experiment first began W and i infiltrated a "dance" and impressed the ENTIRE gathering with our flawless impression of "dancing". We recreate this kind of awe-inspiring performance regularly
Importance of Success: 9.779
Chance of Success:... to early to tell, but so far so good??

Mental Endurance Trial:
Reference code:"Academic Classes"
Goal: Stay afloat in my classes
Importance of success: 8.998
Chance of Success: 7.998 (highly contingent on day to day conditions)

Progress reports will follow

-Captain out-