Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Gandalf and the Alien Attack

Dream Installment #9: Gandalf and the Alien Attack

I was traveling around with Gandalf through the countryside.  From afar we saw a battle between a bunch of gorillas and aliens, and we watched as hundreds of gorillas took back their woods from the aliens who had been burning it down for fuel. The aliens were slowly taking over earth, this was just one skirmish. We went over to the partially clear-cut and destroyed gorilla land where they were re-grouping. I was still scared for them because even though we could see the aliens running over to a different hill, they were only in retreat.  Who knew how long it would be before they would attack again and I didn't know if the gorillas could win a second time. 

As we walked around the turned-up land, we found a set of teeth crusted into the dirt. I didn't know if they were real or not, so I didn't want to touch them. Gandalf decided they were fake. 

Nearby we also found an X-ray of a foot that had little drawings on it and also was made so that some of the toes were stretchy. It was obviously a child's art project, but somehow it was also critical evidence in the discovery that humans had in fact been the ones to start the Alien War.  This was top secret, but Gandalf said that he had discovered it a while ago.  Still, this information was only now being released for public knowledge. Humans had started the war by bombing Mars 4000 years ago. Just little bombs, but it is what started the alien invasion.  

We headed back to my home, because I was worried about my mom. We got there and I was one of the little tiny children at the house, the size of a South Park character.*  There were a couple kids and a couple adults in the house. A man with a bald spot knocked on our door and told us that it wasn't safe on earth anymore, that the aliens would soon attack humans, and that we were being relocated to one of the nicer space colonies.  As he was talking to us he paused to answer a phone call.  When he did, his eyes turned from human eyes to alien eyes, which looked like giant yellowish cat/snake eyes.  When his eyes changed, so did all of the adults' eyes, as though they had been hypnotized.  That's when I knew that he was secretly an alien, that the offer to relocate us to a space colony was a trick, and that adults were easier to control then kids.  As soon as he got off the phone his disguise came back and the parents stopped being hypnotized. We had to tell them that Bald Man was secretly an alien, but it was tricky since he was still standing in the doorway.

(Ender's Game inspired? Lord of the Rings? Battlestar Galactica?)

* In the dream Escape and Disguise there were also characters that looked like South Park children.